Newcastle University

PhD supervision is available in the areas given below. It is important to align your research along existing areas of expertise within the Law School.

Banking and financial market regulation, Charity law, Civil Law legal systems, Commercial law, Company law, Comparative law, Comparative private law, Competition/antitrust law (UK, EC, US but also comparative), Corporate finance, Criminal law and criminal justice, Criminology, Environmental law (all aspects including UK, European and international), Equity and trusts, EU law (all aspects),
Evidence, Family law, Feminist legal theory, Financial law and banking regulation, Human rights (international, European and domestic ), Intellectual property Law, International criminal law, International refugee Law, International trade regulation, Islamic banking and finance, Jury trial, Land law (including squatters’ rights), Law and gender, Law and globalisation, Law and literature, Law and society
Law of obligations and contract law, Legal education, Legal history, ,Legal reasoning, Legal theory, Legal translation, Medical law, Mergers & acquisitions, Planning law, Property law, Property theory, Public international law, Public law, Public procurement law, Regulation of monopolies and cartelsvRegulation of the voluntary and community sector, Regulatory theoryvSexual violence and the Law
Socio-legal theory and interdisciplinary studies of law, Succession, Tort law, Transitional justice, Youth justice

Start Date 2015-09-01
Duration full-time 3
Languages English
Location Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
Language Requirement IELTS


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