Full Professor in Applied Legal Theory
The DIRPOLIS Institute carries out innovative research in the fields of law, economics and political sciences. This multidisciplinary approach allows a global representation of complex legal, political, social and economic phenomena. It also facilitates the creation of high-profile scientific research, which is directly applicable to external stakeholders that have decision-making responsibilities at various levels (international, national, regional, and local).
The DIRPOLIS Institute offers numerous activities, both for university students and post-graduates, in which the results of the scientific research conducted by its faculty staff and researchers can be integrated. It also organizes advanced training in various fields, aimed at professionals who want to increase their knowledge and skills.
The Institute acts as a consultant to several international, national and local institutions, both public and private. It also acts as a forum for discussion on the topics of its research, and the results are disseminated at conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops, held both in Italy and abroad.
The Institute’s research activities are the result of studies conducted in laboratories:
International Research Laboratory on Conflict, Development and Global Politics – CDG Laboratory
International and Comparative Law Research Laboratory – LIDER
Welfare Innovation Services Development – WISS Laboratory
Research Center on Social, Juridical and Human Rights Sciences – (CSGS)
Knowledge of Italian language is not required, ability to teach in English is mandatory. The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies guarantees equal gender opportunities in the recruitment and career and welcomes applications from women.
Also guarantees that all applications will be processed confidentially.