Internet & Social Media Law 2015
The essential event for everyone involved in navigating the legal challenges of exploiting social media and user-generated content.
Attend Internet & Social Media Law 2015 for the very latest updates on…
- TOO HOT TO TOUCH – closed door discussion under Chatham House Rule about protecting your brand from internet and social media attack
- Superb round table discussions in the world cafĂ© led by you – submit your topics to [email protected]
- Defamation and privacy Panel including Gill Phillips of the Guardian and Heather Rogers QC
- A social media update looking and the key cases from 2015 and some anticipated essential forthcoming judgements
- Legal issues arising for those at the sharp end from The Guardian, the ASA, the Police, ICO and Easyjet!
- An update on using cookies from Professor Ian Walden
- A lively session bringing to life the data protection issues you face
Benefit from the practical experience of:
- the platform providers
- leading rights owners
- ISPs
- the ICO
- a leading QC
- the lawyers directly involved in navigating their clients through this maze of legal uncertainty!
Learn more, view the latest agenda and register today at