International Copyright Law 2015
Your annual opportunity to get your essential update on the latest, and upcoming, copyright developments, including:
- Insights into the complex terrain of copyright exceptions
- The Collective Management Directive from Kevin Fitzgerald
- Our renowned collecting societies & music licensing panel with cutting edge commentary
- Latest WIPO developments in relation to copyright law from Jens Bammel
- EU legislative, jurisprudential and international treaty developments
- Focus on digital copyright challenges and controversies
- UK Changes from Elena Blobel
- Moral, artists and performers rights
- Digital copyright challenges and controversies
- The impact of some selected key cases
Don’t miss exceptional sessions from our esteemed chair Adrian Sterling Professorial Fellow, Queen Mary, University of London and Vice President of the British Copyright Council. He leads our superb panels and speakers bringing together a myriad of varied copyright industry perspectives!
- KEYNOTE from the European Commission on the new Digital Agenda
- Examine the Copyright Directive exceptions and limitations and the Licenses for Europe Process – Tips for the wary and traps for the wise
- What is on the horizon? A gaze into the copyright crystal ball and a chance to discuss some of the impending challenges in the TOO HOT TO TOUCH closed door session
- The Digital Market in Depth in a discussion world café format giving you an opportunity to share your views
Learn more, view the latest agenda and register today at