Counseling Clients in the Entertainment Industry 2015 – Overview of Entertainment Law Issues; Television, Video & User-Generated Content; Videogames & Software Apps; Personal Management & Agency Contr
Day 1 – Overview of Entertainment Law Issues; Television, Video & User-Generated Content; Videogames & Software Apps; Personal Management & Agency Contracts
The morning session will address high-level issues in entertainment industry transactions and will cover legal and business issues and emerging trends in the television and video industries, including recent developments involving online video and user-generated content. The afternoon session will sort out the parties to game development deals and their respective interests, taking a look at key negotiating issues from both sides of the table. Thereafter, a session on the role of managers and agents in the entertainment industry will cover the latest issues, cases and developments.
Day 1 Evening Session – Ethics; Building an Entertainment Law Practice
The evening session will feature a presentation on the ethical considerations in the practice of entertainment law (one full hour Ethics credit). Thereafter, a panel will address how best to develop and grow an entertainment law practice, including using new media.