McGeorge School of Law

The school that eventually became McGeorge began in 1921 when Stanford Law School graduate and Standard Oil executive Verne Adrian McGeorge began teaching law students at night in downtown Sacramento, California. After its formal establishment as a school in 1924, this Sacramento Law School, subsequently renamed in Professor McGeorge’s honor as the “McGeorge School of Law,” merged with the University of the Pacific in 1966 and came to be known as “Pacific McGeorge.” [2] McGeorge became an integral part of the University of the Pacific in 1991.

The college is famous for its J.S.D. degree program in International Water Law.

Tuition Fee $9,600
Duration full-time 2-4
Languages English
Location 3200 5th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95817, United States
Completion Requirement At the conclusion of the two-semester residency, the J.S.D. student must present to the student's Dissertation Supervisor a detailed outline and draft chapter of the dissertation and pass a qualifying oral examination. Students who successfully complete these tasks and achieve the requisite level of performance in course work, as determined by the Program Director and a subcommittee of the Graduate Studies Committee appointed for this purpose, will be advanced to candidacy.

The candidate is expected to work closely with the Supervisor during the preparation of the thesis. The candidate must complete a final dissertation in publishable form no later than four years after completing his or her course work, and must successfully defend the dissertation before the candidate's dissertation committee. Deviations from the foregoing rules in individual cases may be permitted by the International Studies committee on the recommendation of the Program Director.
Scholarships Pacific McGeorge School of Law awards a considerable number of scholarships. Many of these awards are made available by the allocation of University general funds, as well as the generosity of donors by means of endowed funds and alumni contributions. Financial aid, in the form of scholarships and fellowships, is based on full-time enrollment, financial need, academic merit and personal achievement. Scholarships and fellowships are considered a component of the student's financial aid award and cannot exceed the cost of tuition.
ABA/FJE Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund: The American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education, together with the law school, sponsor a scholarship program to encourage racial and ethnic minority students to attend. This scholarship is designed to help increase the number of minority students in law school and to provide financial assistance to those students. The ABA/FJE Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund provides a $15,000 scholarship to entering students, disbursed in three annual increments of $5,000. Pacific McGeorge provides matching funds of $5,000 for each of three years a recipient attends the law school. The total amount of financial assistance over three years is $30,000. All candidates must first be admitted to Pacific McGeorge and be awarded the Legal Opportunity Scholarship before they qualify for matching funds from the law school. Pacific McGeorge is committed to improving diversity in the legal profession and is proud to be a sponsor of the ABA/FJE. Go to the ABA/FJE website to find out more information or to obtain an application.


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