Binary Solution
Binary Solution LSAT Prep has a unique system for solving the LSAT that is simple enough to be mastered by anyone and powerful enough to raise LSAT scores by an average of 12 points. The Binary method is based on a logical deconstruction of the LSAT– a process that reduces the exam to its smallest quanta of information. Our deconstruction has revealed that the quantum of intellectual currency on the LSAT is the issue, because issues, both on the LSAT and in legal practice always give rise to questions.
Our unique theoretical lens treats every LSAT question as a weighted sum of issues, and since this approach is granular, students are prepared for any juxtaposition of issues that may appear on the LSAT. To facilitate issue-spotting, we have isolated the exam’s critical binary operators: a small set of words that appears on every LSAT and functions to trigger the issues that ultimately give rise to LSAT questions. By focusing on the binary operators (such as if, but ,or), our students develop a semantic net for catching any language that is relevant to the solution of any LSAT question. Since this semantic approach operates on the level of the word, our students can bypass the need to identify the whole exercise before solving it– which increases their speed.
Our unique theoretical lens treats every LSAT question as a weighted sum of issues, and since this approach is granular, students are prepared for any juxtaposition of issues that may appear on the LSAT. To facilitate issue-spotting, we have isolated the exam’s critical binary operators: a small set of words that appears on every LSAT and functions to trigger the issues that ultimately give rise to LSAT questions. By focusing on the binary operators (such as if, but ,or), our students develop a semantic net for catching any language that is relevant to the solution of any LSAT question. Since this semantic approach operates on the level of the word, our students can bypass the need to identify the whole exercise before solving it– which increases their speed.